At first glance, barcodes may all look alike - a series of vertical stripes of varying widths, often with numbers above or below , business and manufacturing environments. Each barcode provides individual numeric data relating to something's price, catalog number, issue date or other identifying criteria. The barcode system is quite versatile and one that can be used in a type of ways.
Barcodes are everywhere.
They may be more commonly found in your local food market as a means of pricing your purchases and aiding stock control, but there are many more uses for them. Published materials like books and magazines use several coding schemes designed for the print and publishing industry. Manufacturers use barcode labels for many purposes including stock control and batch identification. Anything which requires unique identification can benefit from a barcode. This has led to a rise in the demand for barcode labels and has seen the use of these products gain new footholds in the business and industrial worlds from small operations to major manufacturing concerns. Barcode
Barcode label printing.
With any advancement in technology, many people may feel left behind and unsure of what capabilities the product offers them. However, there are a great number of websites that can offer advice and assistance about the technology and capabilities of barcode suppliers.
The barcode label market is now a very large and growing one, leading to the introduction of many knock-off products, some of them quite inferior in quality to those of the original manufacturers. While it is not critical to use original labels for your labels at all times, it is important to use quality-made labels from reputable suppliers. It was well worth the extra care to use quality labels designed specifically for the make and model of your particular barcode to avoid losses in quality and productivity when printing.
Getting the best results from your printer labels relies more on the quality of the printer itself. But any printer, no matter how wonderful, will quickly yield less than satisfactory results when cheaply made consumables are used. The overall quality of the print job depends on these two factors working together: the capability of the printer itself and the quality of labels, ribbons, printheads or anything else involved in printing labels.
The rise in demand, not only for label printers but for labels and ribbons and the other consumables that go into label production, has meant that you now have more choices than before. Label King has a wide selection of both printers and supplies to choose from and can answer your questions to help you strike the right balance between cost and durability. With competitive pricing over the entire range of products and convenient, speedy shipping options, Label King expects to earn your trust and your business as your Number 1 supplier of print products. Home users, small business owners, corporate purchasers are all welcome. Barcode Supplies
Category: Barcode
Understanding the Barcode Scanning Options for Your Business
Implementing a barcoding system can be a huge benefit to your business.Several types of barcode scanners are available in the market, varying in the methods of scanning and the technologies they use to read and decode the barcodes.
First, there are four methods of scanning implemented in barcode scanners: the pen-type, semi-automatic, fixed-mounted, and gate readers. Both the pen-type and the semi-automatic scanners need an operator to function. In using the pen-type reader, the pen needs to be swiped directly over the barcode for it to capture the image. This may seem inconvenient, but pen readers are still widely used today because of their portability and durability. The semi-automatic readers are handheld but can also be mounted easily. This is the commonly used scanner during inventory. It works like the pen-type scanner, but it does not require contact or swiping to get the image; the reader only needs to be pointed in front of the label.
The better choices for barcode systems of large-scale businesses are the fixed-mounted and the gate readers as they can automatically read barcodes and, thus, speed up the process. For the fixed-mount scanners, the item just needs to be directed on top of the device's image-capturing component, and it automatically reads and decodes the barcode. This type of scanner is common in the barcode systems of supermarkets. Gate readers, on the other hand, just need the items to be placed under the reader for a short time to allow for processing. These are perfect for assembly lines and conveyor belts.
Secondly, regarding technologies applied in scanning and decoding, there are also several options available. First is the one used in a pen or wand scanners. This uses a light source and photodiodes to capture and decode barcode labels. It works by directing light in front of the barcode labels and then measuring the amount of light reflected back to the pen.
The photodiode generates a wave-like pattern, and the pattern is used by the scanner's decoder to decipher the code. In the same manner, a laser reader also uses photodiodes to decipher the code. The difference lies in the source of light they use; the laser reader uses a laser beam. Also, the laser scanner has a rotating prism that keeps the beam moving back and forth through the barcode, thus, eliminating the need to swipe the scanner over the label.
The CCD (charge-coupled device), meanwhile, uses the emitted light from the barcode themselves to generate a pattern. It uses hundreds of tiny light sensors on its reader that measures the light from the barcode, and the voltage that results from the emission is what creates the pattern. Large field-of-view readers and video camera readers, on the other hand, use cameras to capture the barcode image and then an image-processing program to decode it. This is the newest type of technology used in barcode systems regarding barcode scanning.
The most common barcode scanners in barcode systems of various industries, however, still use the omnidirectional scanners. This is the most complex type of technology, but it is also the one that delivers the best result as it can read un-flattened, torn, skewed, and even faded barcodes. To do this, it uses several scanning lines in varying angles and directions as well as a rotating polygonal mirror and several other stationary mirrors. Visit site to know more.
Introduction to Barcode
A barcode is readable by machine and is the representation of data. This data gives us a description about the object that has the barcode. The barcodes which were used initially were one dimensional which were overtaken by two-dimensional barcodes. These barcodes were scanned by using readers which were known as barcode readers. After this the applications software were used to read the barcode which were the smart phones with camera.
The various types of popular Barcodes
Whether you are the owner of a particular product /asset or you have a huge inventory choosing the right barcode is not an easy task. There are many types of 1D and 2D barcodes available to choose from. You need to choose the right type of barcode according to your product where in you may have less space for printing or you may need extra codes.
UPC code
The UPC barcodes are perhaps the most popular 2D barcodes and are used in the labelling and scanning of consumer goods all over the world. These are widely used in the US, Australia and UK.The UPC-A variation involves the encoding of 12 while the UPC-E involves the encoding of 6 numerical digits.
EAN code
The EAN barcodes is mainly used in Europe for the labelling of consumer goods for scanning purpose. The EAN -13 barcode involves the encoding of 13 while the EAN-8 involves the encoding of 8 numerical digits. The EAN-8 barcode is an ideal choice for products like candies which have very less space.
QR code
The QR codes are 2D barcodes which are used for strong customer focus. These barcodes are ideally used for magazines, ads and business cards. These are very much flexible in size, are easy to read and are very much tolerant to fault. The QR codes support four types of data which shows its uniqueness.
These are some of the popular barcodes which are very widely used all over the world. These barcodes gives a brief description about the product and their use is growing at an alarming rate. Visit site for more information.